Sunday, August 1, 2010

My sock puppets play

The computer shutdown
By Kate Waterland

Emily(Shy, quite)
Tanzey( nice,loving,sweet)
Gregg (grouchy)
Sally( A superhero )

Scene: (Everyone is in the classroom apart form Sally and Tanzey.Typing away on the computers)
Emily: (saying quietly) I'm bored lets go outside
Gregg:(saying quite mean) OK but whats in it for me?
(Tanzey walks in)
Tanzey: Hey!What are you guys doing?
Emily:We're going outside!
Tanzey: Cool! Came I come?
Gregg: NO!!!!
Emily: Don't mind him
( They walk out, When they are out the computers turn off)
Tanzey:(looking surprised) WOW! What was that?
Emily: I don't know! I think all the computers just turned of? do you want to go and see?
(they walk in)
(At that moment Sally flies in)
Sally: Da da da da da daa!
Gregg: who are you and GET OUT!
Emily: Don't mind him
Sally: I'm SALLY and I'm a superhero!(say with arm raised)
Tanzey:WOW! A real superhero!
Emily:Well, 'cause you're a superhero can you can you help us
Gregg: Why would we want her to help us? I mean she's a superhero I'm sure she wouldn't want to a couple of girls?
Emily,Tanzey :(crying) Gregg-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-*sniff* don't be so mean
Sally: OK I'll help
Emily: Cool
Sally: What happened?
Tanzey: The computer's turned off!!
Sally: Well, how about you flick the power switch on?
Emily: Ok!
Tanzey: I'll go over and turn it on.
Emily: Yay, all the computer's just turned on.
Tanzey: Thanks, Sally.


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